How A Pastor Can Be A Better Administrator
A church must be operated “decently and in order” (I Corinthians 14:40). If this is to happen, then there must be administration. Church administration is that of managing the affairs of the church by...
View ArticlePastor, Is Your Church Balanced In It’s Purpose
In our society today, it is quite common to see the mainstream become a specialization. What was once a general repair shop for automobiles, has now become a muffler repair shop only. What was once...
View ArticlePastor, You Have A Great Opportunity!
A friend of mine related a great axiom to me a few years ago that has not left me. He stated, “Life is a journey!” Though a very short proverb, it is a colorful thought. I would like to expand upon...
View ArticlePastor, What Is Driving Your Ministry
Much can be learned about an institution by what motivates it to perform. The individual factors which drive the various departments and over all functions of the establishment can be quite...
View ArticlePastor, Who Controls The Church?
The local church is the visible, practical manifestation or representation of the Body of Christ on earth. With that stated, it is a serious matter to contemplate and to speak about. We find in the...
View ArticlePastor, What Does The Ministry Mean To You
Do you remember that first day on your new job? You know what I mean. The great and fuzzy feeling about the new employer and the fact that you actually liked what you were doing! Do you also remember...
View ArticleOne Of A Pastor’s Greatest Needs
By Biblical definition a pastor is a leader. He is to lead others in the ways of God and in the will of God; even during the worst of times. Any man, who has ever been in a pastoral position, knows...
View ArticlePastor, Decisions You Make Have Eternal Consequences
I know for a fact that when we, as men of God, make most decisions, we do not think in the terms of “Eternal Consequences”. Regardless of our state of mind when making decisions, they do have...
View Article8 Principles For Pastoral Leadership
Image by lumaxart via Flickr There is a famine in our land today, among God’s people, of solid leadership. Sure, you can fill a position in a local assembly, but have you really gotten yourselves a...
View Article10 Ways To Better Lead As A Pastor
Most pastors want to be a better leader. For me, it has become an obsession or sorts. I want to be the BEST pastor I can be. If I am to be a sharper tool in God’s omnipotent hand, then I must allow my...
View ArticleTips For Pastors When Seeking Advice
It has been said that all we need to grow as believers is our Bibles and the Holy Spirit. I agree with that statement, but we have also been given pastors and teachers, by God, to help instruct us...
View ArticlePastor, What Is Driving Your Ministry
Much can be learned about an institution by what motivates it to perform. The individual factors which drive the various departments and over all functions of the establishment can be quite...
View Article4 Necessary Ingredients To Exceptional Pastoral Leadership
Have you ever saw an appealing billboard advertisement that caused your mouth to water for that delicious T-BONE STEAK? I am sure you have. What if you went to the restaurant which advertised that...
View Article3 Fold Biblical Remedy For Fear Of Failure In Ministry
Image via Wikipedia One of the greatest tools of Satan is fear. Make no mistake about it, he knows exactly how to capitalize on the slightest opening of fear in our lives as spiritual leaders. If...
View ArticlePastor, Is Your Church Balanced In It’s Purpose
In our society today, it is quite common to see the mainstream become a specialization. What was once a general repair shop for automobiles, has now become a muffler repair shop only. What was once...
View ArticlePastors Can Lead Through Opposition!
There is a popular misconception among today’s Christians concerning their pastor’s popularity in the church and community. For some strange reason a pastor is supposed to be liked by everyone and...
View ArticleQuestions For Pastors When Being Forced Out
Image via Wikipedia I have not read any statistics on this lately, but I am sure that a vast majority, upwards of 90%, of pastors have faced the situation of being forced out of the church in which...
View ArticlePastor, Are You Leaving Fingerprints Or Footprints
Recently, I was conversing with a fellow missionary about ministry philosophy. At one point in the conversation, I shared a principle, that I read somewhere, about leaving fingerprints or footprints....
View Article10 Ways To Better Lead As A Pastor
Most pastors want to be a better leader. For me, it has become an obsession or sorts. I want to be the BEST pastor I can be. If I am to be a sharper tool in God’s omnipotent hand, then I must allow my...
View ArticlePastor, Keep It Simple
As of late, God has been dealing with me on several issues regarding the pastorate. I am currently in a unique situation being that we are starting a church from scratch. It is very challenging, and...
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